Raymond James Stadium, home of Tom Brady and the Buccaneers, is upgrading to 5G and adding several other smart-stadium features just in time for Super Bowl LV. Verizon serves as the neutral-site host, but all major carriers are bringing the high-throughput and low-latency of 5G to the stadium thanks in part to ConcealFab’s concealment poles designed to meet carrier-specific requirements. The pole also takes into consideration the aesthetic and technical requirements of Buccaneers stadium officials, Tampa Sports Authority (TSA), and even Tampa International
Airport (TIA).
ConcealFab developed the solution in record time using a quick-turn design process and in-house manufacturing. The pole conceals low & mid-band 4G radio equipment and has a pole top shroud that contains omnidirectional 4G and public WiFi signals. 5G radios are mounted with shrouds that have clearWaveTM technology that has been tested and approved for mmW frequency. Two luminaires and surveillance cameras will eventually adorn the top of the pole for parking lot safety.
The concealment poles will bring the blazing fast 5G technology to the stadium ensuring fans are connected and protected more than ever during Super Bowl LV.
The only question is, will Tom Brady be there?